Save Santa's Home!

Joe Biden



‘Tis the season of Christmas
In a house that is White
A bitter old man’s
Doing something not right.

He never gives presents,
Just coal by the lump.
He hates the whole planet.
His name is D. Trump.

He doesn’t like Santa.
Santa knows he is bad.
So Trump’s selling his home
To make Santa feel sad.

He’ll sell off the Arctic,
To drill for more oil.
The bears and the deer
Will be thrown off the soil.

But now someone is coming.
Santa’s home can be saved.
His name is Joe Biden.
He'll have to be brave.

He can undo the evil
Donald Trump wants to do.
But he needs all your help
(Even Cindy-Lou Who!)

Tell Joe you support him
By signing this letter.
You can Save Santa’s Home
And the world will be better!

Now don’t waste a minute
You can do this, you can.
You just need a pen
In your powerful hand.

You, Joe and Santa
Together can do
The most wonderful things
It’s all up to you!

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To: Joe Biden
From: [Your Name]

Dear Mr. Biden,

We’re here to help Santa not feel alone.
We’re proud Santa Squad members, here to Save Santa’s Home!
We need you to tell us you’re going to undo
Trump’s plan to attack Santa’s home and ours too!

We need your help stopping these mean climate ghouls
That melt Santa’s home - they’re called Fossil Fools.
We don’t want a future that’s dirty and mean,
We want to see jobs that are healthy and green.

Please help us protect our friend Slushie the Bear,
And help power our world through the sun, wind, and air.
As Santa’s preparing to soar through the clouds
Here’s what you can do to make us all proud!

Before Christmas Eve, announce you’re on track,
To stop mean Mr. Trump and his plans to attack
The Arctic where bears and the caribou roam,
Tell Trump you will stop him, you’ll Save Santa’s Home!