Save the Jaguars
Executives at Costco, Food Lion, Stop & Shop and other retailers

Major supermarkets from around the globe are close to forcing Cargill, “the worst company in the world,” to protect one of the last important homes of the jaguar — the Cerrado, in Brazil. Let’s tell Costco, Food Lion, and Stop & Shop to stand up to Cargill.
We’ve already lost 50% of this natural treasure to cattle ranches and soy farms. The jaguars can’t afford to lose another square mile.
14 years ago, thousands of people stood up and demanded that Cargill and the other traders stop selling soy from deforested land in the Amazon — and it worked! We were able to help protect the Amazon — now we need to save the jaguars’ home in the Cerrado. You can help.
Many large supermarkets are about to demand that Cargill ban all soy from deforested land after this year. We need as many of these influential companies to join in on this letter as possible, but Costco, Food Lion, Stop & Shop and other important retailers have yet to commit. If thousands of you speak up, they won’t be able to sit this one out.
We only have a few weeks until the supermarkets send their letter to Cargill to demand change — we have to act fast.
Let’s tell Costco, Food Lion, Stop & Shop and other executives to join other corporate leaders and save the jaguars’ home!
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Executives at Costco, Food Lion, Stop & Shop and other retailers
[Your Name]
Many large supermarkets, like yours, are about to demand that Cargill ban all soy from deforested land after 2020. If you speak up, we can protect one of the last important homes of the jaguar — the Cerrado, in Brazil.
Cargill needs your business. You can make a difference by joining with other corporate leaders and taking a stand.
I'm calling on you to stand up to Cargill and demand that they stop destroying the Cerrado.