Say No To Chevron At New Faces Of Pride

New Faces of Pride

On April 29, 2024, Houston’s New Faces of Pride organization added Chevron as a sponsor for their Pride Festival and Parade. Chevron pollutes countless environments and communities across the planet through its extraction and exploitation of natural resources. As a continuation of this unchecked destruction, Chevron is presently profiting off of and providing cover for Israel’s ongoing genocide and apartheid of and against the Palestinian people. We stand unified in our call: New Faces of Pride needs to drop Chevron. There is no pride in genocide.

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Houston, TX

To: New Faces of Pride
From: [Your Name]

To Houston’s New Faces of Pride,

Chevron not only pollutes communities around the world, but they are currently complicit in genocide. They continue to extract resources and profit from occupied Palestinian land. Chevron says it supplies Israel with the bulk of its electric energy, and owns deepwater gas fields off the coast of occupied Palestinian land, from which Israel has raked in billions in profits in recent years. This is why Houston DSA, along with members of the queer community, is calling on New Faces of Pride to drop Chevron as a sponsor. See below for a copy of our open letter to the organizers of New Faces of Pride.

Read the full letter below: