Say NO to the CBN Ban
OLCC, Oregon Legislature

If allowed to go forward, this ban will set a dangerous precedent of regulatory overreach and arbitrary restriction of cannabis products which consumers have adopted and depend on. Oregon's cannabis industry and marketplace will be badly harmed by the ban on CBN.
OLCC, Oregon Legislature
[Your Name]
Dear Executive Director Marks and OLCC Commissioners:
I strongly disagree with the OLCC’s plans to ban novel cannabinoids like CBN from my local grocery store. The coming ban permanently restricts all CBN products to OLCC dispensaries, and will completely ban most CBN products after July 2023. This is an unacceptable outcome.
The planned ban on CBN goes against the will of voters, who broadly approved the end of cannabis prohibition through safe regulation as mandated in Ballot Measure 91. The planned ban on CBN also misuses authority granted by HB3000 to regulate potentially harmful and highly intoxicating synthetic cannabinoids like delta-8 THC. CBN is a naturally occurring, non-intoxicating cannabinoid that provides significant value and potential benefit to consumers. It should not be restricted from use.
Millions of servings of CBN products were purchased and consumed in the US last year, showing the strength and safety of this unique cannabinoid in the marketplace. Oregon is the only state that has introduced a CBN ban, reversing its course as a national leader in sensible regulation of cannabis production and sales. If allowed to go forward, this ban will set a dangerous precedent of regulatory overreach and arbitrary restriction of cannabis products which consumers have adopted and depend on. Oregon's cannabis industry and marketplace will be badly harmed by the ban on CBN.
I urge the OLCC to reconsider its ban on minor cannabinoids like CBN. The OLCC should be focused on promoting the regulated dispensary marketplace, and allowing non-intoxicating cannabinoids like CBD, CBN, and CBG to be purchased in the open market and grocery stores in Oregon, supporting local cannabis businesses and grocery stores in the process.
Thank you,