Say YES to Solar

Johnson County Board of County Commissioners

Kansans for Clean Energy

Let's make renewable energy investments in rural Johnson County! Don't let scare tactics and misinformation keep Johnson County from being home to solar-generated energy sites. Utility-scale solar has been generating reliable, clean electricity across the country for decades. It conserves the land underneath, doesn't lead to high traffic on area roads like you have with distribution centers, and is an important component to powering our future. Restrictive solar regulations that include arbitrary size or term limits designed to stop solar development should not be approved. Say YES to solar in Johnson County!

Petition by
Hutchinson, Kansas

To: Johnson County Board of County Commissioners
From: [Your Name]

Let's make this happen! Johnson County needs utility-scale solar investments. When adopting final solar zoning regulations, I urge you, as a Johnson County Commission, to embrace the opportunity to approve fair and reasonable solar zoning regulations that will power our future for decades. Solar farms are a key component of our smarter energy future and the kind of sustainable development we support.

Don't leave Kansas behind. We should be developing solar projects in our region, as our neighboring states are doing. This is sustainable development that will net benefits for all.

Count me in!