Send & keep Jeff Bezos in space

Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon

As we all know, Jeff Bezos decided pretending like he was an astronaut was the best use of his time and money. Rather than helping to end homelessness, for instance, a billionaire space race been his main priority. All the while he is allowing Amazon to have horrid workplace conditions, has had employees die in the not so distant past, as well as denying accommodations that could have prevented a female employee from miscarrying, Bezos continuously acts oblivious to the problems here on Earth, so let's send him to SPACE permanently. Maybe the aliens can figure out what to do with him.

*Obviously this is all in good fun, for legal purposes, this is purely satirical*

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To: Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon
From: [Your Name]

Here is what you could be doing instead of your billionaire space race --

Lobby Congress to raise the federal minimum wage
Take your money and devote it to fighting the climate crisis
Create a safe and healthy workplace for Amazon employees
Allow Amazon workers to unionize
Offer your help to state and federal governments to combat COVID-19
Take 20 billion of your ~190 billion and end homelessness in the United States