Settle a Fair Contract to Keep Teachers in East Side for our Students

Pattie Cortese, ESUHSD President, Bryan Do, ESUHSD Board Vice President, Van T. Le, ESUHSD Board Clerk, J. Manuel Herrera, ESUHSD Trustee, Lorena Chavez, ESUHSD Trustee

East Side Union High School District School Board owes it to our students to provide East Side educators with a fair contract that retains and attracts the best educators. Thus far the district has refused to settle a fair contract. We are calling upon the school board to stop the divisive antics and settle a contract now!

To: Pattie Cortese, ESUHSD President, Bryan Do, ESUHSD Board Vice President, Van T. Le, ESUHSD Board Clerk, J. Manuel Herrera, ESUHSD Trustee, Lorena Chavez, ESUHSD Trustee
From: [Your Name]

East Side students deserve the best educators! It is time to invest in our students and settle a contract that will retain and attract the educators our students deserve. Do the right thing and settle a fair contract now!