Petition against the denial of an approved withdrawal from PSA's Extended Sick Leave Fund

Boston Public Library President David Leonard and the Board of Trustees

Against a teal background, white text reads Boston Public Library Professional Staff Association, MLSA 4928, AFT-MA. There is also a circular logo with two hands clasped in the middle over a book to the right.

The Boston Public Library Professional Staff Association has successfully managed our Extended Sick Leave Fund ("sick bank") since its inception. Members donate one, two, or three days worth of hours each year to the bank to help support members in need. A member has requested to use these hours to attend doctor's appointments, treatment sessions for her cancer, and other time off as related to her illness. Unfortunately, her request has been denied by the Library and Boston's Office of Labor Relations.

No one who is going through cancer treatment should also have to worry about paying their bills. No one should have to choose between a doctor's appointment and getting paid. If we allow BPL and OLR to decide that a member shouldn't be granted the hours from our sick bank now, what is to stop them from denying all of our requests in the future?

Petition by
Allison Hahn

To: Boston Public Library President David Leonard and the Board of Trustees
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned, support the members of the Boston Public Library Professional Staff Association and AFSMCE 1526, in their protest of the decision made by Boston Public Library and the City of Boston’s Office of Labor Relations to deny a union member her union-approved request to withdraw time from the PSA Extended Sick Leave Fund.

Due to the diagnosis of and subsequent care required to manage her stage 4, metastatic breast cancer, this union member has no paid leave remaining. In denying her request to utilize hours from PSA’s sick bank -- hours donated by union members with the express intention for them to be used by members who need them -- BPL and OLR’s refusal is continuing to force her to take leave without pay every time she is ill or needs medical treatment.

We demand that BPL and OLR immediately grant the hours requested from the PSA Extended Sick Leave Fund to this member and to work with the PSA Executive Board to prevent future denials for members in need.