SIGN HERE: to support the fall of FERC and fossil fuel exports

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Last Spring, we fought to UnFrack FERC (the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) and the Fall of FERC in September is our chance to end this imperial outpost of fossil fuels.

In the last few weeks, three new Commissioners have taken seats at FERC and the D.C. Circuit Court has struck at the heart of FERC's broken permitting process. By vacating multiple fossil fuel permits — including a Williams pipeline in New Jersey, as well as the Rio Grande LNG, TX LNG, and Rio Bravo pipelines in Texas — The court found that FERC has failed to consider climate change analysis and clear violations of environmental justice standards. This is just what we’ve been telling FERC for years and all spring with the unFrack FERC campaign!

With grassroots movements escalating against fossil fuels and federal Courts finally validating our arguments and issuing real consequences for FERC's failures – is this the beginning of the Fall of FERC?

September 19 is the critical moment to stand up to FERC over all their past failures, and demand a permanent change in the way the federal government reviews, permits, or opposes fossil fuels – especially LNG exports. Sign now if you agree and we'll keep you in the loop about upcoming FERC actions you can take online.

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To: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
From: [Your Name]

Federal courts have repeatedly found that FERC is failing to consider climate change and clear violations of environmental justice. By vacating multiple permits including a Williams pipeline in New Jersey, as well as the Rio Grande LNG, TX LNG, and Rio Bravo pipelines in Texas, the courts have confirmed what activists have been telling FERC for years. As activists continue to escalate their campaign to Un-Frack FERC and transform it into a Federal Renewable Energy Commission, we the undersigned call on FERC staff and Commissioners to immediately stop approving new permits for fossil fuel projects including but not limited to gas pipelines, storage facilities, expansions, and all LNG and fossil fuel export projects.

Stop permitting climate chaos and shut down the pipeline of new fossil fuel projects - NOW!