Sign if you agree: Screw Republicans and their hypocrisy on disaster aid

Republican politicians

There is something about natural disasters that brings out the absolute worst or really, the absolute truth about Republican ideology.

If it happens to their own state or district, they run straight to Washington to ask for help. But if it happens somewhere else, forget it.

Take South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, for example. His state has been ravaged by hurricanes, so of course he is seeking federal disaster aid.

But when Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast? Graham, like most Republicans, voted against disaster aid. And when pressed by reporters about it, he acted dumb.

Sign if you agree: Screw Republicans and their hypocrisy on disaster aid.

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To: Republican politicians
From: [Your Name]

You cannot have it both ways. Either you support federal disaster aid when it happens, or you don't. Don't expect help from Washington if you refuse to help other communities in need.