SIGN NOW: Demand Congress investigate President Trump’s “instances of outright fraud”
All Members of Congress
Donald Trump has repeatedly refused to release his tax returns, hiding behind the phony excuse of an IRS audit. Now, a New York Times investigative report alleges that “President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud…. [He] received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire … [with] Much of this money [coming] to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes.”[1]
It is up to Congress as a separate, but equal branch of the federal government to immediately look into these new allegations.
Sign the petition to Congress demanding that it use its powers to obtain and release Donald Trump’s tax returns ― and to fully investigate allegations of “outright fraud” against the president before Election Day.
All Members of Congress
[Your Name]
For the past 40 years, presidential nominees of both major parties have released their tax returns in part to assure the public that, if elected, there will be no conflicts of interest. Now, we have a president who ― according to a New York Times investigative report ― participated in “outright fraud” to dodge taxes and enrich himself and his family. We demand Congress investigate these new allegations including immediately obtaining and releasing President Trump’s tax returns before the November election. If you do not hold the president accountable, the American people will hold members of Congress accountable on Election Day.