Sign Now: Demand millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share into Social Security
All Members of Congress
Social Security is the most successful social insurance program in our country’s history, providing economic security to 66 million Americans and lifting 21 million of us out of poverty each year. And yet, the average Social Security benefit is just $16,000 per year.
We can do better!
This month, millionaires and billionaires stopped paying their fair share into Social Security. That’s because, once you earn $128,400 in a calendar year, you stop contributing to Social Security.
Sign the petition demanding Congress scrap Social Security’s payroll tax cap and require the wealthy to pay-in on all of their income. When they do, we’ll be able to guarantee the benefits we have earned and been promised by extending the lifespan of the trust fund for decades to come, and even expand benefits for millions of Americans.
All Members of Congress
[Your Name]
Social Security is a critical program that we pay into our entire working lives. It provides economic security to 66 million Americans--most of them seniors. It protects working families in the event of an unexpected death or disability. And Social Security is one of the country’s largest children’s program, supporting over 6 million children. And yet, the average Social Security benefit is just $16,000 per year.
It’s time that we guarantee a stronger and improved Social Security program for all of us by extending the lifespan of the trust fund for decades to come, and even expand benefits for millions of Americans. It can be paid for by asking the wealthy to pay their fair share. We demand that you scrap the Social Security payroll tax cap, and require millionaires and billionaires to pay-in on all of their income, just like the rest of us.