SIGN NOW: Demand to see Donald Trump’s tax returns

All Members of Congress

What is Trump hiding?

That is the big question coming out of his recent meeting and press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

For the past 40 years, presidential nominees of both major parties have released their tax returns in part to assure the public that, if elected, there will be no conflicts of interest. But Donald Trump has refused, hiding behind a phony excuse of an IRS audit.

The American people deserve to know:

  • Whether Donald Trump has financial ties with Russia?

  • If those ties include loans or money laundering or other potentially illegal activities with Russian oligarchs?

  • And how Donald Trump's businesses benefit from his actions as president―bills he signs into law, such as the massive tax scam for the rich, and the general operations of the federal government?

Sign the petition to all members of Congress demanding that they act immediately to secure and release Donald Trump’s tax returns and investigate the president’s financial ties to Russia.

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To: All Members of Congress
From: [Your Name]

Never before have we seen a U.S. President take the word of the Russians over our own intelligence agencies. This begs the question: What does Vladimir Putin have on Donald Trump? We demand that Congress act immediately to secure and release Donald Trump’s tax returns so that we know if Donald Trump has financial ties to Russia, or to Russian oligarchs who are very close to President Putin, and if those ties include potentially illegal activities.