SIGN NOW: Expand the Court!


Republican Senators are dead set on giving Donald Trump a third Supreme Court Justice, even though Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death was just 46 days before the election. Data for Progress’s polling shows that a clear majority of voters want the winner of November’s election to fill the seat―but Republicans are proceeding against the will of the people.

That’s no surprise. Republicans represent a minority of people in the country, and they’re prepared to create a majority on the Supreme Court that was appointed by Presidents who received fewer votes than their opponents.

Any Justice confirmed through this process will be illegitimate. But what can people who believe in democracy do?

The answer: Expand the courts.

Congress has the power under Article III of the Constitution to adjust the composition of the judiciary, including the number of seats on the Supreme Court. Following Mitch McConnell’s Obama-era judicial blockade, and then doing nothing but ramming through hard-right judges while the Trump administration’s neglect led to 200,000 dead Americans, an adjustment is in order.

To: Democrats
From: [Your Name]

If you win the Senate and the Presidency next year, you must expand the Supreme Court to restore its legitimacy.