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Before skipping town to go back to their districts to campaign for re-election, House Republicans quickly voted #TaxScam2 out of committee ― preparing for a floor vote later this month. They didn’t even hold one hearing or take testimony from one witness to learn the damage their bill will do.
#TaxScam2 will cost even more than the first one ― about $3 trillion over ten years ― on top of the original $2 trillion Tax Scam budget buster. This second round of proposed cuts will again mostly benefit the wealthy and business interests. In fact, the richest one-fifth of the population will get 65% of the tax cuts while the bottom one-fifth will get just 2%.
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[Your Name]
Donald Trump’s and Paul Ryan’s first tax scam cost the American people $2 TRILLION ― with most of the tax breaks going to the richest 1% and wealthy corporations. #TaxScam2, which the House will vote on this month, costs even more ― about $3 TRILLION. We demand that you reject #TaxScam2. There should be no more tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires and corporations paid for by slashing Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, education and other critical services for working families and older Americans.