SIGN NOW: Support for President Biden's three proposed Supreme Court reforms

The President and the Congress of the United States of America

President Biden has acknowledged the extremism of the U.S. Supreme Court and called on Congress to quickly establish term limits and an enforceable ethics code for the court’s nine justices. He also called on lawmakers to ratify a constitutional amendment limiting presidential immunity in a direct rebuke to the Trump v United States verdict that declared Presidents above the law for 'official' acts.

It'll be a while before a bill can be introduced or passed, and even longer for a constitutional amendment to be ratified. But Biden's endorsement of policies we've been supporting for a while is a big step forward.

Sign on here to show Congress and President Biden that you support these three important steps toward judicial accountability.

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To: The President and the Congress of the United States of America
From: [Your Name]

I support President Biden's proposals for Supreme Court reform. Including:

The No One Is Above the Law Constitutional Amendment to make if clear the Constitution does not confer any immunity from federal criminal indictment, trial, conviction, or sentencing to former Presidents.

Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices. The United States is the only major democracy without term limits high court Justices. President Biden has proposed a system in which the President would appoint a Justice every two years to spend 18 on the Supreme Court.

A Binding Code of Conduct. Require Justices to disclose gifts, refrain from public political activity, and recuse themselves from cases in which they or their spouses have financial or other conflicts of interest — like every other federal judge.