SIGN NOW: Tell Mitch McConnell to pass the Corporate Transparency Act (H.R. 2513) to hold the rich and powerful to account

Senator McConnell

For the first time in U.S. history, a chamber of Congress has passed legislation to expose faceless shell companies that launder money and dodge taxes.

The U.S. House just passed the bipartisan Corporate Transparency Act to end anonymous corporations in the U.S. ― pushing our country toward much more transparency and openness. But will Senate Leader Mitch McConnell allow a vote on a bill that actually holds the rich and powerful to account?

Join Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund in demanding Senate Leader Mitch McConnell hold a vote and pass the Corporate Transparency Act of 2019.

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To: Senator McConnell
From: [Your Name]

We demand that you hold a vote soon on the “Corporate Transparency Act of 2019” to stop the rich and powerful from using faceless shell companies to launder money and dodge taxes.