Sign now: The Next Speaker

All Members of Congress

Paul Ryan is not seeking re-election.

But Paul Ryan is not the only threat to Social Security and Medicare. Republicans in Congress have shown that they are unified in their aim to give tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires at the expense of middle class economic security.

Ryan’s House will still vote this week on the so-called Balanced Budget Amendment, which would force cuts to these vital programs, while making it nearly impossible to increase revenues. It is a recipe to starve every program that Americans rely on--and Republicans plan to vote for it overwhelmingly. The problem is much deeper than just Paul Ryan.

Stand with Social Security Works and demand that the next Speaker of the House fight to expand Social Security and Medicare, not cut them!

To: All Members of Congress
From: [Your Name]

The American people won’t tolerate an ideologue who continually threatens their earned benefits. The next Speaker must be someone who will fight to expand Social Security and Medicare, not destroy them.