Tell Congress to take action to help strengthen the Federal Election Commission

All members of Congress

The Federal Election Commission, our nation’s election watchdog, has been plagued by dysfunction for years because a bloc of commissioners has taken a hands-off approach to enforcing the laws we have on the books — laws that are designed to prevent corruption and the appearance of corruption.

On top of that, the FEC is chronically understaffed and underfunded, and between September 2019 and December 2020, the agency only had the quorum necessary to conduct official business for 29 days. This is unacceptable. We must fix the broken FEC.
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Washington, DC

To: All members of Congress
From: [Your Name]

"The Federal Election Commission, our nation’s election watchdog, has been plagued by dysfunction for years because a bloc of commissioners has taken a hands-off approach to enforcing the laws we have on the books — laws that are designed to prevent corruption and the appearance of corruption.

This is unacceptable. Congress must take action to help strengthen the FEC by passing legislation to help ensure that only qualified individuals who are committed to enforcing the country’s campaign finance laws are nominated to serve as FEC commissioners."