Sign-On Letter: U.S. President Biden We Demand Action Not Just an Apology
U.S President Joe Biden

On Friday, October 25th, U.S. President Joe Biden gave a speech in the Gila River Indian Community offering an apology on behalf of the U.S. Government to all boarding school survivors and their families.
We are calling on boarding school survivors, Tribes, organizations, and individuals who believe that healing and solutions are possible to sign onto our letter and collectively demand that President Biden take these FIVE actionable steps toward accountability:
1) Administer historical funding for Indigenous language revitalization schools and programs: like the NACA Inspired Schools Network, Oceti Sakowin Community Academy, and the Keres Children's Learning Center that teach traditional practices, lifeways, and languages. Vital cultural practices were illegal and prohibited during the boarding that teach traditional practices, lifeways, and languages. Vital cultural practices were illegal and prohibited during the boarding school era and enforced under campaigns such as the “Save the man, kill the Indian.”
While these aren’t the only solutions, we believe these are critical steps toward accountability and community healing due to the historic and ongoing harm inflicted on Indigenous peoples due to colonization, the boarding school era, and forced relocation by the U.S. government.
*By adding your/organization's information to the following sign-on letter you indicate that you are in support of and demand President Biden to take actionable steps toward accountability. Please submit your response no later than November 5th, 2024. Once finalized we will share the signed letter with the media, community leaders, and relevant stakeholders to ensure our demands are heard and addressed. If you are an organization that would like to be added as a co-sponsor on this sign-on letter please email with the subject line: [No Apology without action] and include in the email body 1) the organization’s name, 2) your name, 3) company logo, and/or 4) your organizations' Action Network name.
Thank you for taking action, collectively, we will hold the U.S. Government and all those responsible for this harm accountable. We remain committed to ending the legacy and ongoing violence of Settler Colonialism everywhere, for the liberation and healing of all Peoples and Mother Earth.
We hope you’ll join us and encourage your community to sign on too!
In Solidarity,
NDN Collective
Sponsored by
U.S President Joe Biden
[Your Name]
Dear U.S. President Joe Biden,
We, the undersigned organizations, Tribes, boarding school survivors, and individuals write this letter to express our unified support and call to demand that U.S President Biden take actionable steps towards accountability and community healing due to the harm and violence inflicted on Indigenous peoples due to colonization, the boarding school era, and forced relocation.
We aim to send a powerful message to U.S. President Joe Biden, we remain in solidarity together to declare that we will no longer tolerate empty apologies and false promises. Our people deserve more, they deserve healing and for leaders to meet their constituents' demands.
We will hold the U.S. Government and all those responsible for this harm, accountable. We remain committed to ending the legacy and ongoing violence of Settler Colonialism everywhere, for the liberation and healing of all Peoples and Mother Earth.
1) Pass the U.S. Truth & Healing Commission Bill to ensure continued funding and support for the relatives who survived boarding schools;
2) Grant immediate Executive Clemency for boarding school survivor Leonard Peltier, freeing him from his 50-year incarceration;
3) Immediately invest in Indigenous language and cultural revitalization programs;
4) Rescind all medals of honor awarded to US soldiers for the massacre at Wounded Knee, in which 300 unarmed Lakota people – mostly women and children – were slaughtered;
5) Instruct the Bureau of Indian Education to conduct a full-scale investigation into the failure of the Tuba City Boarding School system to address egregious misconduct and support the nationwide reforms being demanded by parents and students to keep children safe at BIE-run schools.
Thank you for your time and consideration.