Sign the petition: New Yorkers call for economic development that puts our communities first, not billionaires

Governor Cuomo

Governor Cuomo’s plea for Amazon to come back to New York is a pitiful attempt to drive a corporate economic development agenda that has repeatedly failed the working communities that make up this city.

New Yorkers kicked out Amazon for a reason. We oppose the top-down, undemocratic giveaway to a massive union-busting, anti-immigrant corporation that will fuel displacement, the deterioration of our public transit and schools, and income inequality. Join us in the fight for our neighborhoods—demand Cuomo invest in our communities, not handouts to corporations like Amazon.  

Sign the petition to Governor Cuomo: We don't want Amazon -- we want an economic development agenda that truly invests in our communities.

The State of New York has allocated tens of billions of dollars to corporations in the name of economic development. Meanwhile, communities continue to suffer from disinvestment. Homelessness continues to rise with over 100,000 New Yorkers sleeping in shelters each night. The MTA is failing riders. Students still suffer from crumbling schools, outdated textbooks, and crowded classrooms.

We say enough is enough. Governor Cuomo needs to get his priorities straight and work on behalf of his constituents, not billionaires.

Sign the petition to Governor Cuomo: New Yorkers need true investment in our communities. Keep Amazon out.

We demand a new economic development agenda that redirects the billions of dollars currently spent on tax breaks and subsidies for corporations towards deep, community-led investments in our neighborhoods. We need investment that creates good union jobs, real affordable housing, fully funded schools, hospitals and modernized public infrastructure. We need Universal Rent Control—no New Yorker should live in fear of a rapid rent increase or an eviction.

Finally, we need our elected officials to do everything in their power to hold Amazon accountable and make sure they respect workers’ rights to unionize, stop using their tech to collaborate with ICE and law enforcement, and pay their fair share in taxes.

Let’s fight for a New York state that works for all of us.

#NoAmazonNYC #BeyondBillionaires

Participating Organizations:
CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities
Citizen Action
DRUM- Desis Rising Up & Moving
Daily Kos
Jews For Racial and Economy Justice
Make the Road New York
NY Communities for Change
New York City Democratic Socialists of America
Progressive Hacknight

To: Governor Cuomo
From: [Your Name]

Your plea for Amazon to come back to New York is a pitiful attempt to drive a corporate economic development agenda that has repeatedly failed the working communities that make up this city. We demand a new economic development agenda that redirects the billions of dollars currently spent on tax breaks and subsidies for corporations towards deep, community-led investments in our neighborhoods. Invest in our communities, not handouts to corporations like Amazon.