Sign the petition: Denounce the Electoral College for picking Donald Trump

Electoral College

The 538 members of the Electoral College met in their respective state capitols on December 19, and officially made popular vote loser Donald Trump the next President of the United States.

Despite the fact that he's uniquely unqualified to be leader of the free world.

Despite the fact that a foreign power sabotaged our election to install a puppet for their nefarious purposes.

And despite the fact that under our unworkable system, 70,000 voters in three swing states are more powerful than the 2.9 million popular vote margin that Hillary Clinton prevailed.

The December 19th vote may have been legal, but the electors abdicated from their responsibility and proved the Electoral College is an impotent 18th Century vestige that must be abolished.

Sign the petition: Denounce the Electoral College.

Photo source: Getty Images

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To: Electoral College
From: [Your Name]

SHAME on you for abdicating your duty by allowing Donald Trump to become the next President.