Sign the petition: Denounce Wisconsin Republicans for canceling special elections

Gov. Scott Walker & Wisconsin state legislature

This is not what democracy looks like. Gov. Scott Walker and Wisconsin Republicans are not happy that Democrats are winning special elections, so they decided to stop holding them.

A judge overruled this blatantly undemocratic move and ordered Walker to call special elections in two vacant seats. Now Walker and the Republicans have called an emergency session of the state legislature to pass a law that would simply cancel the elections the judge just said must be held.

Voters in two legislative districts in Wisconsin have not had a representative since December, and Scott Walker wants to deny them of a voice for nearly a year—because they might vote for Democrats.

Even if it means changing the rules after a judge ordered them to follow the law.

Sign the petition: Denounce Wisconsin Republicans for canceling special elections.

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To: Gov. Scott Walker & Wisconsin state legislature
From: [Your Name]

Voters in two Wisconsin districts deserve to have representation. The courts agreed, and the only sane solution is to call for a special election. Your disregard for democracy disgusts me.