Sign the petition: Facebook must tell users if their data was stolen by Trump consultants

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook

**Note 3/22/18: Mark Zuckerberg told the New York Times that Facebook would notify the users whose data may have been shared with Cambridge Analytica. Until Facebook actually does this, Daily Kos is keeping this petition up and running. More information from Facebook here.**

Facebook has now admitted that in 2015, some user data was improperly transferred to Cambridge Analytica—a contractor for the Trump campaign, whose VP was Steve Bannon.

Cambridge has repeatedly touted its ability to influence voters through "psychographic" targeting, and claims that this was a primary factor behind Trump's electoral college victory.

At the time of the breach, Facebook privately asked Cambridge to destroy the data—but took no action to ensure that this happened. We now know that they never did.

We are only finding all this out nearly three years later, and Facebook has not even admitted whose data was breached. Even though that could be in violation of both U.S. and U.K. law.

Sign the petition: Facebook must come clean to its users whose data was stolen

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To: Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook
From: [Your Name]

Facebook must inform all users affected by the breach of user data related to the suspension of Cambridge Analytica on your platform. It's not simply a question of being a good corporate citizen--it might be required by law.

Notification must include all users whose data was directly or indirectly shared and with what parties, as well as how that information was used to target them with political advertising.