Sign the Petition: Justice Breyer's replacement must defend democracy
President Joe Biden & the U.S. Senate

One of the president’s most important duties is naming Supreme Court justices.
The Supreme Court makes decisions with huge implications for every aspect of our democracy – voting rights, the influence of money in politics, fair redistricting, ethics in government, and more. But unfortunately, a series of close decisions have denied ordinary Americans’ their voice in government by:
- Allowing unlimited corporate money to influence elections in Citizens United v. FEC...
- Gutting the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County v. Holder...
- And enabling brazen racial and partisan gerrymandering in Rucho v. Common Cause.
The next Supreme Court justice should be someone committed to the facts and the law, not partisan political advantage.
But unfortunately, any candidate that President Biden picks will immediately face major opposition from anti-democracy extremists, secret money enablers, and their online disinformation networks. We must remain vigilant to ensure a fair process so that a pro-democracy justice can be confirmed this year.
If you recognize how high the stakes are for the future of our democracy, join Common Cause in calling for a pro-democracy nominee and a fair process to confirm them today.
President Joe Biden & the U.S. Senate
[Your Name]
With voting rights under attack across the country, President Biden must fill the high court’s vacancy with someone committed to justice and every person’s right to participate in our democracy. And once he has, the Senate must give that nominee a fair and deliberate hearing so that the Senate can provide its advice and consent.