Sign the petition: Reverse the Supreme Court's awful decision. Pass a new Voting Rights Act.


In an outrageous 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court allowed Ohio's voter suppression to go forward–paving the way for millions of eligible low-income voters to be disenfranchised.

The practice of "purging" infrequent voters from the rolls has been used for more than a century to target people of color, and it has a very obvious partisan political agenda.

In a Reuters analysis of three Ohio counties, citizens in Democratic neighborhoods were struck from the rolls at twice the rate of people in Republican areas. And “neighborhoods that have a high proportion of poor, African-American residents are hit hardest.”

What can we do about it now? The Supreme Court based their decision on the National Voter Registration Act Congress passed in 1993 (the Motor Voter law), which allows states to take action to "maintain" their voter registration list. The intention was to make voting easier, not harder. It is clear that Congress must now take action to reverse this Court decision.

Sign the petition to Congress: Reverse the Supreme Court's decision. Pass a new Voting Rights Act.

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To: Congress
From: [Your Name]

Voting is a right, not a privilege. The Supreme Court's decision to allow mass purges of infrequent voters will pave the way for more low-income folks and people of color to have their voices shut out. Congress must immediately pass a new Voting Rights Act.