Sign the petition: Shame on the NRA for inciting violence against protesters

National Rifle Association

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is using the Baltimore uprising to promote "Stand Your Ground" laws by claiming that such laws "are an antidote for brazen in-your-face attacks on city streets."

Sign the petition denouncing the NRA's thinly veiled call for vigilante violence towards black protesters.

On Facebook, the NRA wrote,

Videos of rioters wreaking havoc in Baltimore and photos of them risking the lives of innocents by punching, throwing objects, and, in one instance, drawing back a knife with which to stab a bystander were reminders that Stand Your Ground laws are an antidote for brazen in-your-face attacks on city streets.

Make no mistake: This is thinly veiled racism.

The NRA's lack of concern for safety during the riots after college basketball games or when Joe Paterno was fired makes it clear that they fear black people, not rioting.

"Stand Your Ground" laws are nothing but a legal means to murder black people and the NRA is using Baltimore as an opportunity to incite violence.

Sign the petition denouncing the NRA's thinly veiled call for violence towards black protesters.

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To: National Rifle Association
From: [Your Name]

Your thinly veiled call for violence towards black protestors is unconscionable. Shame on you for using this moment to encourage racism.