Sign the petition to Congress: Reject Trump’s request to cut CHIP to save the deficit he caused


Nothing about this is okay. Just when you thought Trump couldn’t get any lower, he proposes throwing children and their healthcare under the bus to save wealthy corporations and billionaire donors.

Because Trump’s disastrous tax scam bankrupted our treasury, Congress is now being asked to claw back $15 billion in federal spending—the largest “rescission” package in U.S. history.

$7 billion of the cuts would come from the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), a program that provides matching funds to states to provide low-cost health coverage for nine million children whose families do not qualify for Medicaid.

The White House claims there would be no impact on CHIP—but that’s a blatant lie.

This rescission package specifically cuts $5.1 billion to bolster reimbursements to states for children’s healthcare costs and $1.9 from a contingency fund to prevent states from running out of money.

Congress must reject this rescission package—and with it, Trump’s request to cut CHIP by $7 billion.

Sign now to urge Congress to reject Trump’s request to cut CHIP.

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To: Congress
From: [Your Name]

Children shouldn’t have to suffer because of Trump’s disastrous tax scam bill. Reject Trump’s request to cut CHIP by $7 billion in his rescission package.