Sign the petition to Congress: the U.S. Census is crucial. Demand members of Congress support community Census outreach efforts.

U.S. Congress

The U.S. Census -- which families can expect to participate in every ten years -- rarely makes front-page news. But it is critical to so many aspects of our life, as funding for our schools, hospitals, road repairs, and more is determined using census data.

And if the census misses our communities, we’ll miss out on the funding and resources we deserve.

Counting every person living in the U.S. already presents a major challenge. And the Trump administration has only tried to make the process more volatile by proposing a dangerous citizenship question -- which the Supreme Court rejected after finding the reasoning for adding it as “contrived.”

Now, it’s our legislators’ turn to step up for the census by conducting intentional outreach -- and passing legislation that strengthens and amplifies public education efforts around the census.

Advocacy and grassroots organizations and the U.S. Census Bureau itself are gearing up to launch informational census campaigns -- to make sure communities nationwide are able to fully participate in this important civic effort.

Congressional lawmakers must join in this mobilization to get as many families to participate in the census as possible by:
  • Conducting intentional outreach
  • Providing clear and accessible information to their constituents in-district
  • Supporting legislation that increases constituent census participation
Sign the petition: The census is a big deal. Demand your members of Congress support community census outreach efforts -- and pass legislation that promotes census participation.

Participating Organizations:
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance
Common Cause
Daily Kos
MOVE Texas
Sponsored by
Additional Sponsors
Washington, DC
San Antonio, TX
Washington, DC

To: U.S. Congress
From: [Your Name]

When you took public office, elected by local communities, you pledged to support your constituents’ needs. The census is critical to determining funding for our schools, hospitals, roads, and much more. Now that 2020 is here, we need you to rise to the occasion by conducting intentional outreach and passing legislation that amplifies and strengthens public education efforts around the census.