Sign the petition to the California State Assembly: Reform our broken bail system. Vote YES on SB 10.

California State Assembly

The for-profit bail system in California is unjust and does nothing to keep us safe.

About two-thirds of the people in California jails have not been tried or formally sentenced to prison. They are mostly low-income and people of color trapped behind bars because they can't afford to pay for their release. These people are not more dangerous than those released on bail. They're just don't have as much money.

A growing chorus of voices in California including law enforcement leaders like Attorney General Xavier Becerra, California’s Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye, Senator Bob Hertzberg, Assemblymember Rob Bonta are calling on the legislature to pass the California Money Bail Reform Act of 2017-18 (SB 10). Under SB 10, courts decide who gets released before trial based on the threat they pose to communities, not just who has enough money to pay bail.  

Sign the petition to the California State Assembly: We must pass money bail reform now. Vote YES on SB 10.

To: California State Assembly
From: [Your Name]

The bail system rewards people with money by letting them purchase pre-trial freedom while low-income people are forced to sit in jail. SB 10 allows courts to decide who gets released based on the threat they pose to communities, not just who has the bigger bank account.

We need bail reform. Vote YES on SB 10.