Sign the petition to the U.S. Senate: Pass a bill to fully fund the Census Bureau and 2020 census activities.

United States Senate

Trump's proposed 2018 budget leaves the Census Bureau woefully underfunded at a time when the agency needs to significantly boost its operations ahead of the 2020 census.

Proper funding for the census is crucial. Census data determines how votes are counted, how congressional districts are drawn, and how federal funding is allocated to support community health, education, infrastructure, and more.

That's why Senators Cory Booker and Brian Schatz have introduced a bill to ensure that the Census Bureau is adequately funded and ready for the 2020 census.

Sign the petition to the U.S. Senate: Pass a bill to fully fund the Census Bureau and 2020 census activities.

Trump is setting the census up to fail. Usually, federal funding significantly increases in the years before a census, but Trump's 2018 budget proposes a mere 2% increase for the Census Bureau this year.

The Census Funding Cap Adjustment Act would remove the excuse of arbitrarily imposed budget spending limits by adjusting federal spending limits so that the Census Bureau is well funded without forcing mandatory cuts to other vital programs.

Adequately funding the 2020 census is a matter of racial justice and civil rights.

The census historically undercounts communities of color, low-income people, and immigrant communities. The 2010 census failed to count over 1.5 million people of color. 1.5 million people weren’t counted when it was time to map voting districts and fund vital human services. Undercounting will have even harsher impacts on communities of color if we let Trump purposely starve the Census Bureau.

Sign the petition to the U.S. Senate: Pass a bill to fully fund the Census Bureau and 2020 census activities.

To: United States Senate
From: [Your Name]

It is crucial to our democracy that we get a fair and accurate census count. That count impacts important community funding, voting districts, and congressional reputation. The Census must be adequately funded.

I urge you to support and vote yes on the Census Funding Cap Adjustment Act.