Sign the petition to US Senate: Reject armed Secret Service agents at polling places

The US Senate

The Republican House recently passed a Homeland Security reauthorization bill with a rider that allows Trump to send armed Secret Service agents to polling places nationwide.

To be clear, this isn’t simply allowing Secret Service to accompany their protectees to the polls—that’s already allowed. This legislation would allow the President to dispatch armed agents to polling places at will.

Given Trump’s fixation on the myth of “voter fraud” and his obsession with voter suppression, this new legislation is downright dangerous and damaging to our democracy.

Knowing armed agents could show up to polling places at any time at wouldn’t only intimidate voters in the moment—it could also keep people targeted by the Trump administration’s voter suppression efforts, like immigrants and people of color, from the polls in the first place.

This legislation is not okay. It’s on the Senate to fix this.

Sign now to demand the Senate to reject the DHS reauthorization rider that would allow armed Secret Service agents at polling places.

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To: The US Senate
From: [Your Name]

Reject the DHS reauthorization rider that would allow armed Secret Service agents at polling places. This legislation is downright dangerous and damaging for our democracy.