Sign the petition: Urge Shopify to stop selling offensive “school shooting sweatshirts” and remove them from their website

Tobias Lutke, Shopify CEO

The clothing company Bstroy designed and promoted sweatshirts bearing the names of Sandy Hook, Columbine, and Marjory Stoneman Douglas riddled with holes designed to look like bullet holes.

The collection is receiving backlash for its offensiveness to the victims and the family of the victims.

Nearly 40,000 Americans died from gun violence in 2018. There have been over 350 mass shootings in the U.S. in the past year -- nearly one per day -- and gun violence in all its forms collectively takes the lives of over 100 people per day.

Bstroy is currently a vendor on the shopping website Shopify. We are asking Shopify to cancel their contract with Bstroy and remove the items from their website.

Shopify CEO, Tobias Lutke, has taken a stance in the past prohibiting Shopify merchants from selling guns and gun accessories via their websites. He clearly understands the dangers of gun violence -- he cannot also promote the exploitation of gun violence.

Previous retailers have thought it a good idea to commercialize gun violence, and our outcries have corrected their mistake. It is time we do it again.

Sign the petition: Urge Shopify to pull these sweatshirts from their website.

Participating Organizations:
Alliance for Gun Responsibility
Blue Future
Brady Campaign & Center to Prevent Gun Violence
The Campaign to Keep Guns off Campus
Daily Kos
Million Hoodies Movement for Justice
Newtown Action Alliance

To: Tobias Lutke, Shopify CEO
From: [Your Name]

Bstroy’s school-shooting-sweatshirts are offensive. Please listen to the outcries from victims and families of victims of school shootings -- these sweatshirts serve as additional reminders of their trauma. We urge you to cancel your contract with Bstroy.