Sign the petition: Urge the military to equitably fund medical expenses for ALL servicemembers

Department of Defense

This week, Donald Trump announced transgender people can no longer serve in the military. Why? According to Trump, there’s not enough money in the military’s budget for their health care and they are a “burden.”

You know what the military does have enough money for? Viagra.

$84 million worth of Viagra, and other drugs for erectile dysfunction.

That’s ten times the MAXIMUM amount the military would spend on transgender servicemembers’ medical care per year.

It’s unacceptable that we can spend $84 million on erectile dysfunction medication, but we can’t spend $8.4 million on medical care for transgender servicemembers. Both are necessary and important, but trans people are being discriminated against.

Sign our petition now to urge the military to equitably fund ALL medical expenses for servicemembers - Viagra and trans medical care included.

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To: Department of Defense
From: [Your Name]

I am appalled that President Trump says transgender health care is a “burden” on the military, when the military spends ten times as much on Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs. The military must equitably fund all medical expenses for servicemembers - Viagra and trans medical care included.