Sign the Pledge to Protect Good Alaska Jobs at Anchorage International Airport

Menzies Aviation

Working men and women at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport need your support in their fight for respect on the job.

A new out-of-state contractor, Menzies Aviation, is refusing to negotiate with fuelers, plant operators and mechanics who keep our airport running safely and efficiently. Let’s show Menzies  we won’t tolerate attacks on working Alaskans.

Sign the pledge now to tell Menzies to immediately negotiate a fair contract with Machinists union fuelers at Anchorage International Airport.

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To: Menzies Aviation
From: [Your Name]

Since 1982, the success of Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport has depended on the hard work of fuelers, plant operators and mechanics who service commercial and cargo flights coming in and out of Anchorage. For decades, these working women and men have maintained a labor agreement with their employer that allows them the freedom to negotiate a fair return on their work and, most importantly, safe working conditions that keep the airport operating smoothly and efficiently.

Now, under new management from an out-of-state contractor, good Alaska jobs and safety at the airport are under threat. Menzies Aviation has told airport workers it will not recognize their longstanding labor agreement and will not come to the table to negotiate further. Working families think Menzies’ position undermines good, family-supporting jobs in Alaska, and jeopardizes safety at Anchorage airport and the communities it serves.

We call on Menzies Aviation to negotiate a fair contract with its workers at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport. We support the fuelers, plant operators and mechanics who make the airport run. Their jobs are crucial to the airport’s success.