Sign up for the Homes for All Voter Pledge!

Homes for All Voter Pledge
- I pledge to vote because I believe housing is a fundamental human right that should prioritize the needs of communities over corporate profit.
- I pledge to vote to empower those most affected by the housing crisis to lead the solutions for their communities.
- I pledge to vote for a future where land and housing are collectively controlled and governed by their communities, ensuring sustainability for generations to come.
- I pledge to vote to support the policies outlined in the "Homes for All Policy Platform," including Rent Control, Tenant Protections, and Right to Counsel.
Our Homes For All Values & Principles define us and bring us together. They guide our strategy, actions and vision. By signing the pledge you join us in collectively moving forward these values and holding each other accountable to these values!
[Your Name]
I/we pledge to uphold the Homes For All Values & Principles:
Homes for All Voter Pledge
-I pledge to vote because I believe housing is a fundamental human right that should prioritize the needs of communities over corporate profit.
-I pledge to vote to empower those most affected by the housing crisis to lead the solutions for their communities.
-I pledge to vote for a future where land and housing are collectively controlled and governed by their communities, ensuring sustainability for generations to come.
-I pledge to vote to support the policies outlined in the "Homes for All Policy Platform," including Rent Control, Tenant Protections, and Right to Counsel.
Our Homes For All Values & Principles define us and bring us together. They guide our strategy, actions and vision. By signing the pledge you join us in collectively moving forward these values and holding each other accountable to these values!