I support Promote the Vote 2022

Michigan Voter

No matter where you live in our great state, Michiganders overwhelmingly support breaking down barriers to the ballot box and expanding voting rights, so that we may all freely participate in our state and federal elections, and uplift our local communities.

Our Promote the Vote 2022 proposal includes common-sense solutions to increase access to the ballot and the security of our elections, because we know that Michiganders would love to get behind policies that advance voting rights, nullify voter suppression efforts, and eliminate the threat of future election subversion.

Promote the Vote 2022 will move Michigan forward, and ensure Michiganders have a voting system that works for all of us!

If you support fair and accessible elections, sign up to receive the latest PTV 2022 updates!

To learn more about our work, receive important updates and be notified about opportunities to take action, provide your contact information in the form. Have questions?
Email us at: info@promotethevote2022.com

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