
U.S. Representative Susan Wild (PA-07)

For decades, AIPAC — through its educational arm, the AIEF — has been taking freshman members of Congress to Israel during their first August recess. These trips whitewash Israel's grave human rights violations and obscure Israel’s brutal military occupation of millions of Palestinians.

This year, for the first time, freshman Congresspeople are publicly rejecting AIPAC’s offer. First, Rashida Tlaib (the first Palestinian congresswoman) announced her intention to have her own delegation for congressional reps to see Palestine and the Occupation for themselves. Then Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez refused AIPAC’s offer. Now at least a dozen members of Congress have turned down the trip, citing AIPAC's right-wing political agenda as well as their overall rejection of big money in politics.

If we want our political leaders to make the right policy decisions that will result in freedom and dignity for all Israelis and Palestinians, they need to know the truth about the Occupation. Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and a dozen other members of Congress know that AIPAC won’t provide the truth, and are boldly seeking it out for themselves.

Now it’s time for Susan Wild to join them in taking this common sense step, and publicly commit to #SkipTheTrip. AIPAC is one of the most powerful, well-funded lobbying groups in Washington, and their legitimacy is at stake — let’s show that true progressives stand up for Palestinian rights and refuse to be bribed into supporting another 50 years of Occupation.

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Philadelphia, PA

To: U.S. Representative Susan Wild (PA-07)
From: [Your Name]

#SkipTheTrip and show that true progressives stand up for Palestinian rights and refuse to be bribed by AIPAC into supporting another 50 years of Occupation.