Solidarity with AFL-CIO Workers

AFL-CIO Management

AFL-CIO staff members represented by the Washington Baltimore News Guild (WBNG) are currently bargaining a new contract with AFL-CIO management. Members are concerned with the priorities management is pushing at the table, including:

  • Drastic reductions in retirement benefits,

  • Increased use of temporary employees,

  • Changes to our comp time system that would make uncompensated many additional hours of work that we regularly do outside of our contract hours

  • Wage increases that do not meet the rising cost of living, let alone make up for nearly a decade without a contractual raise.

These priorities do not respect the hard work, sacrifice, and dedication of our WBNG siblings. Union contracts negotiated at the AFL-CIO should set the standard for how workers should be treated, but management’s priorities fall far short. These are the kinds of proposals we expect to see from Corporate America, not from the management of the AFL-CIO.

Stand in solidarity with the AFL-CIO bargaining unit of WBNG and demand that management return to the table with the intent to reach a contract that represents our collective values as members of the union movement.

Petition by
AFL-CIO NewsGuild
Washington, District of Columbia
Sponsored by
Washington, DC

To: AFL-CIO Management
From: [Your Name]

AFL-CIO staff members represented by the Washington Baltimore News Guild (WBNG) are currently bargaining a new contract with AFL-CIO management. Members are concerned with the priorities management is continuing to push at the table, including: drastic reductions in retirement benefits, changes to the comp time system that would make uncompensated many additional hours of work they regularly do outside of their contract hours, and wage increases that do not meet the rising cost of living, let alone make up for nearly a decade without a contractual raise.

These proposals do not respect the hard work, dedication, and sacrifice of our WBNG siblings. The contracts negotiated at the AFL-CIO should set the standard for how workers should be treated, but management’s priorities fall far short. These are the kinds of proposals we expect to see from Corporate America, not from the management of the AFL-CIO.

Please do the right thing and return to the table with the intent to reach a contract that represents our collective values as members of the union movement.