South Asians ask VP Kamala Harris: Shift Your Position on Gaza

Vice President Kamala Harris

We are South Asian Americans who care deeply about democracy, equality, and solidarity. We recognize the historic nature of your candidacy as a Black and South Asian woman for the office of the President of the United States.

To: Vice President Kamala Harris
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned South Asian Americans, care deeply about democracy, equality, and solidarity. We recognize the historic nature of your candidacy as a Black and South Asian woman for the office of the President of the United States.

We urgently ask you to take the following actions:

1. Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza: Call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, where more than 40,000 Palestinians, including children, have lost their lives. The destruction of neighborhoods, universities, and hospitals, along with the rampant spread of disease and hunger, must end.

2. Arms Embargo on Israel: Publicly support an immediate arms embargo on Israel to prevent further violence and loss of Palestinian lives.

3. Support Free Speech and Palestinian Liberation: Stand up for the constitutional right to support Palestine through speech, dissent, and advocacy for Palestinian liberation.

By signing this petition, we, as South Asian American voters and community members, demand an end to the use of our tax dollars and U.S. support in funding the genocide of Palestinians. As South Asian Americans, we advocate for investing in communities rather than funding war and genocide.


Mobilization Against Genocide Undeterred by Peak Anti-Palestinian Repression (Palestine Legal, 2024)

Fact Sheet: 288 Days of Israel’s Genocide in Gaza (Institute for Middle East Understanding, 2024)