Speak for the Trees

to the U.S. Forest Service, Monongahela National Forest

16-17 foot red oak

Part of this grove is scheduled to be clear-cut under a U.S. Forest Service plan. This tree is a 16-17 foot circumference red-oak and a W.Va. State registered large tree in a grove of older growth trees in Tucker County West Virginia. It is 250 years old. Help save these trees.

The Monongahela National Forest Service is planning a project of clear-cutting 3,500 acres of older-growth trees in the Upper Cheat River watershed and it undercuts our hope for controlling flooding and maintaining our national forest for people and wildlife. This plan specifically targets large and older trees. Recent measurements and calculation find many trees in this grove to be 200 to 250 years old. These are original old-growth forest, remnants of the forest that existed when settlers first arrived. Those trees are necessary for carbon storage and critical habitat for forest wildlife and endangered species such as the Northern Long-Eared Bat. The clear-cutting of trees from the steep slopes here contributes to frequent flooding of communities and adds sediment to the creeks making them less suitable for species such as Brook Trout and Hellbenders.

In addition to the Forest Service, there has also been a large amount of industrial logging in the same watershed adding to these problems. Please let the U.S. Forest Service know that this clear-cutting is not OK. Sign this petition telling the Service NO to the Upper Cheat River Project proposal to clear-cut thousands of acres of these treasured older trees. Tell the Forest to focus on flood reduction and invasive species control.

You can directly contact the Forest at: https://cara.fs2c.usda.gov/Public//CommentInput?Project=58364

Project details are available at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=58364

When we get 100 signatures we will send the Forest Service the message below. If you have more to tell the Forest Service about this clear-cutting project add your comments in the box to the right. For more picture of the trees in this stand see: https://app.box.com/s/yzj2yxkscrcyy7dr8sposc2bh8ntnuao

and visit the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Speak4Trees2

To: to the U.S. Forest Service, Monongahela National Forest
From: [Your Name]

We are petitioning the Forest Service not to clear-cut thousands of acres of older forest on steep slopes in the Upper Cheat River watershed. There should be a focus on control of runoff due to steep slopes and increased rainfall. This project needs to be reconsidered and revised with more careful consideration given to the concerns of local communities about flooding, invasive weeds and clean water.