Petition the state legislature: All Californians must be able to participate in committee hearings!

Speaker of the California Assembly Robert Rivas; Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire; members of the Assembly and the Senate

Californians from all parts of the state should be able to participate remotely in our state legislature's committee hearings. We ask the leadership and members of both houses to re-establish the policy, enacted during COVID, that requires policy committees to allow constituents to join hearings by phone, and state briefly their support or opposition for bills under discussion (known as "me-toos").

Additional Sponsors

To: Speaker of the California Assembly Robert Rivas; Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire; members of the Assembly and the Senate
From: [Your Name]

To our elected representatives:

The ability to support or oppose proposed legislation should be available to all residents of California. During the COVID pandemic a new policy in the Capitol was established that provided for remote participation in hearings. Californians were able to call into committee hearings to offer a short statement of support or opposition (known as "me-toos"). As of February 28, 2023, the Governor terminated the state's COVID-19 State of Emergency and procedures had been put in place to accommodate the pandemic restrictions were reverted back to pre-pandemic practices. Teleconference testimony during committee hearings is no longer be available.

Now, constituents who care enough to comment on legislation need to be physically present in the Capitol. This poses a significant barrier for people with disabilities, those who live in other parts of California, orindividuals with employment or childcare responsibilities. These individuals are unable to participate in the legislative process and make their voices heard. All Californians deserve the opportunity to weigh in on critical issues affecting their lives, so that paid professional lobbyists are not disproportionately represented.

We the undersigned feel strongly that ALL California residents must have equal access to participate in their government. Please reinstate the policy of allowing constituents from everywhere in California to participate too!

Thank you for your attention to this important issue.

Only signers' names and cities will be included in the petition. Comments will be anonymous and edited for clarity and length.