Stand Against SB147: Xenophobic and Racist Policy

Governor Abbott, Lt. Governor Patrick, Chairwoman Kolkhorst, Chairman Hughes and members of the 88th Texas Legislature

Senate Bill 147, authored by Senator Lois Kolkhorst of Brenham and parts of Houston, that would prohibit citizens, businesses or entities from China, Iran, North Korea and Russia from making land purchases in Texas.

In its current form, SB 147 blatantly singles out individuals within Asian communities in ways that will further stigmatize Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. We can decide racism and xenophobia have no place in the Lone Star State and send a clear message that SB 147 must not pass.

In a time when Asian communities are already under attack, it further stigmatizes us. It raises the temperature against innocent people by targeting them simply because of the country they came from and prevents them from making Texas their home.

We urge Governor Abbott and the Texas Legislature to focus their priorities on issues that better serve Asian and Pacific Islander Texans, including increased language access resources, investments in more robust data disaggregation, and a culturally inclusive curriculum in education.

Sign on and share our petition to show the leaders of our State that we won't stand for xenophobia and racism in Texas.

If you want to do more, you can take action against SB147 using our SB147 Toolkit -



参议院第147号法案,由布伦纳姆市(Brenham)和休斯顿(Houston)部分地区参议员洛伊丝·科克霍斯特(Lois Kolkhorst)起草,将禁止来自中国、伊朗、朝鲜和俄罗斯的公民、企业或实体在德州购买土地。



我们敦促阿博特州长(Governor Abbott)和德州立法机构将优先事项集中在更好地服务于在德州亚太裔人的问题上,包括增加多语言访问资源,投资于更强大的数据分类,以及在教育领域发展具有文化包容性的课程。



致 阿博特州长、帕特里克副州长、科克霍斯特主席、休斯主席和第88届德州立法机构成员



参议院第147号法案,由布伦纳姆市(Brenham)和休斯顿(Houston)部分地区的参议员洛伊丝·科克霍斯特(Lois Kolkhorst)起草,将禁止来自中国、伊朗、朝鲜和俄罗斯的公民、企业或实体在德州购买土地。





我们需要确定种族主义和仇外心理在德州没有立足之地,并发出一个明确的信息,即147号法案绝不能被通过。在亚裔社区已经受到攻击的时候,它进一步污名化了我们。我们敦促阿博特州长(Governor Abbott)和德州立法机构将优先事项集中在更好地服务于在德州亚太裔人的问题上,包括增加多语言访问资源,投资于更强大的数据分类,以及在教育领域发展具有文化包容性的课程。

To: Governor Abbott, Lt. Governor Patrick, Chairwoman Kolkhorst, Chairman Hughes and members of the 88th Texas Legislature
From: [Your Name]

Dear Governor Abbott, Lt. Governor Patrick, Chairwoman Kolkhorst, Chairman Hughes and members of the 88th Texas Legislature,

We condemn Senate Bill 147, authored by Senator Lois Kolkhorst of Brenham and parts of Houston, that would prohibit citizens, businesses or entities from China, Iran, North Korea and Russia from making land purchases in Texas.

In its current form, SB 147 blatantly singles out individuals within Asian communities in ways that will further stigmatize Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Violence against Asian communities continues throughout the country, and demonizing those of Asian descent will only bring further harm.

Millions of people from China, Iran, North Korea and Russia legally live in the United States as permanent residents while still holding citizenship of their countries of origin. This proposed legislation would prevent them from being able to buy a home in Texas, often the state in which they live and work. They wouldn’t be able to purchase property to start a business. They’re kept from the ideal every Texan cherishes - the opportunity to work hard and achieve their American Dream.

Senator Kolkhorsts’ xenophobic bill also conflates individuals with their government. The majority of North Koreans coming to Texas are fleeing oppression in North Korea. Instead of welcoming them and helping them settle, this bill adds another obstacle in their way. Holding individuals accountable for the geopolitical actions of the country they came from is a dangerous precedent and will inevitably lead to further encroachment on people’s freedom.

Finally, SB 147 bill stands in the way of economic freedom and progress. Texas is one of the fastest-growing states in the nation. People from across the country and the world move to our state for the chance to thrive. By pushing this bill, Senator Kolkhorst is signaling that she wants to make Texas less competitive and turn away the best and most innovative talent in the world.

We can decide racism and xenophobia have no place in the Lone Star State and send a clear message that SB 147 must not pass. In a time when Asian communities are already under attack, it further stigmatizes us. We urge Governor Abbott and the Texas Legislature to focus their priorities on issues that better serve Asian and Pacific Islander Texans, including increased language access resources, investments in more robust data disaggregation, and a culturally inclusive curriculum in education.