Stand up and fight Paul Ryan’s plan to destroy our earned benefits

House Democrats

It’s time to call Paul Ryan’s “tax plan” what it is: A massive cut to our earned benefits on the backs of older Americans and working families.

He and Donald Trump are trying to sell their disastrous plan as “tax reform.” But the reality is that their plan will cut $1.5 trillion from Medicare and Medicaid, just to hand that money over to the millionaires and billionaires on Wall Street.

Paul Ryan has spent his entire career attempting to destroy our earned benefits. And he thinks this is his chance.

Sign the petition to Democrats in the House and tell them that when they stand up and fight Paul Ryan’s plan to destroy our earned benefits, we’ll have their backs!

To: House Democrats
From: [Your Name]

Donald Trump and Paul Ryan think they can fool the American people into believing their lies. We will fight their devastating attack on our earned benefits in every congressional district across the country.

This tax plan isn’t a pivot. It devastates Medicare and Medicaid in order to put money in the pockets of Donald Trump, his cabinet and his family. Stand with us today in our fight to defend Medicare and Medicaid from their cynical plan to destroy our earned benefits. When you do, we’ll have their backs!