Stand Up for Freedom of the Press!

Political Leaders

Now more than ever, the right to report facts and to tell the truth matters. News matters.

We call on all Americans to join us in fighting attempts by government and other powerful institutions to undermine freedom of the press.

Please consider signing into the petition below, sponsored by the NewsGuild, National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians, sectors of the Communications Workers of America (CWA).


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To: Political Leaders
From: [Your Name]

Stand Up for Freedom of the Press!

We condemn threats to freedom of the press. We demand that government officials allow journalists to do their jobs – ask questions, gather information, and report the truth.

We condemn attempts to intimidate and demonize reporters, and we condemn attempts to undermine legitimate reporting by promoting fake news. These actions threaten our democratic ideals.

We affirm the fundamental right to freedom of the press and to the right of the American people to be informed.