(Urgent) Sign to Stand with Hibaq
Chad Fifield, MSP1 General Manager

We are concerned that Hibaq Mohamed, a worker at MSP1, is facing retaliation for speaking out about the risk of COVID-19 spreading at MSP1. We are also concerned that this follows a pattern of management harassing Hibaq for organizing to improve working conditions for her and her co-workers.
We are alarmed that workers have reported their fear of contracting COVID-19 at Amazon facilities and their dismay that the company isn’t sharing information on positive cases with workers or the public.
We are concerned that after Hibaq exercised her legal right to call for safer working conditions, she was presented with a variety of contradictory information about her Time Off Task. One document penalized her for TOT before she had even clocked in for the day, and another contained a block of time that management cannot account for. Despite these inconsistencies, MSP1’s management team insisted on giving her a final warning.
We are concerned that while coronavirus infections are on the rise in the United States, Amazon has taken away the additional $2/hour and double time for overtime hours that workers were paid for working during a pandemic, and that Amazon eliminated unlimited unpaid time off, even as workloads have gone up significantly to meet higher demand.
We are concerned that Amazon has developed a pattern of surveillance, targeting, and firing of whistleblowers around the country, beginning with Chris Smalls in New York, then Emily Cunningham and Maren Costa in Seattle, and others including Bashir Mohamed, who worked alongside Hibaq in MSP1. This ruthless method of putting company profits ahead of worker and public health has already led one of Amazon's senior vice presidents, Tim Bray, to resign in protest.
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Chad Fifield, MSP1 General Manager
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Many of us rely on Amazon deliveries so that we can stay safe, and we ask that you keep your employees safe as well. We call on you to stop retaliating against workers - particularly Black workers - to clear Hibaq Mohamed’s final warning, and to respect workers’ federal right to organize.