Jameson Schwetz, Executive Director NECA Puget Sound Chapter

photo of striking IBEW 46 members and supporters. text: stand with IBEW 46 Limited Energy Electricians

Hundreds of Limited Energy electricians organized with IBEW 46 are ON STRIKE fighting for a fair contract. Despite months of negotiating, the local chapter of NECA – the National Electrical Contractors Association – refuses to settle fair terms with the workers.

Workers have already voted down NECA’s subpar proposal because it doesn’t meet the bare minimum basic needs these workers are fighting for: paid holidays, a fair wage, and workplace safety issues like radios to use in emergencies. But NECA refuses to budge.

Limited Energy electricians install and service life safety systems like fire alarms in buildings all over the Puget Sound region. We all rely on the services these workers provide for our safety – yet NECA is acting like these highly-skilled workers are disposable.

Since January, IBEW 46 has been bargaining for better wages, paid holidays, and a fair contract for LE electricians to replace the one that expired on March 31, and was subsequently extended for 10 days. NECA failed to use that extension to reach an agreement, and the workers sent on strike April 11.

We say enough. Tell NECA to come to the table ready to negotiate a fair contract and to stop disrespecting our hardworking IBEW 46 siblings.

Fair contract NOW!

To: Jameson Schwetz, Executive Director NECA Puget Sound Chapter
From: [Your Name]

NECA, settle a fair contract with Limited Energy Electricians now!

As supporters of IBEW 46 Limited Energy Electricians, we call on NECA to negotiate and settle a fair contract with the workers.

Limited Energy electricians provide essential services for working communities, and we refuse to be silent while NECA disrespects workers. These electricians deserve a contract that recognizes their hard work, and adequately compensates them for it. That means fair wages, paid holidays, and improvements to safety conditions on jobsites.

Washington’s labor movement and our supporters, hundreds of thousands of workers strong, stand with our IBEW 46 Limited Energy siblings until they get the contract they deserve.

Do the right thing: stop stalling, start negotiating, and settle a contract that respects the workers.