Stand with Lahaina: Convert Short-Term Rentals to Long-Term Housing

Mayor Richard Bissen

Aloha Lahaina Community, Friends, and Supporters,

In the heart of Lahaina, where the sunsets are timeless and the community spirit runs deep, we are facing a moment that calls for unity, resilience, and compassion.

Our Call to Mayor Bissen: Convert Short-Term Rentals to Long-Term Homes

The Lahaina community has experienced the harrowing effects of the August 8th Lahaina Fire, an event that has left many without homes. Temporary emergency housing solutions like Matson containers and boxable homes have been discussed, but we believe there is a more compassionate and viable option available.

The Opportunity Before Us

Lahaina is home to well over 2,000 vacation and short-term rental units, operating without permits but legally under an exemption known as the Minatoya list. These units hold immense potential to serve a greater purpose during these trying times.

HRS 127A-12(c), (4) and (6) (copied below) grants the Mayor the authority to act in emergencies. In this case, we urge Mayor Bissen to declare that these short-term rentals, operating in West Maui without permits but legally under the Minatoya list, must be converted into long-term rentals for a minimum of one year to house displaced residents of Lahaina.

§127A-12 Emergency management powers, in general.

(c) The mayor may exercise the following powers pertaining to emergency management:

(4) Utilize all services, materials, and facilities of nongovernmental agencies, relief organizations, community associations, and other private-sector and nonprofit organizations that may be made available;

(6) Purchase, make, produce, construct, rent, lease, or procure by condemnation or otherwise, transport, store, install, maintain, and insure, repair, renovate, restore, replace or reconstruct, and distribute, furnish or otherwise dispose of, with or without charges, materials and facilities for emergency management; and to procure federal aid therefore whenever feasible.

The Path to Community Healing

This is not merely a housing solution; it's a pathway to community healing. It provides a lifeline for the displaced fire evacuees, allowing them to stay in Lahaina, a place they call home. It offers a chance to rebuild together, in a community that cares deeply for one another. There must be a recognition that people cannot heal, work or serve their community without long term, stable housing.

Why This Isn't a "Taking"

This act is not a "taking." It's a legitimate step in the direction of community interest. It retains the opportunity for owners to charge market-rate long-term rents, ensuring economic viability while advancing the welfare of the Lahaina community.

Our Collective Voice

Together, we have the power to urge Mayor Bissen to stand with the people of Lahaina, to make the choice that puts people over profit.

Join Us: Sign the Petition

We invite you to join this community-led effort by signing our petition. Let's make sure Lahaina remains a place where our community can heal, recover, and grow together.

Your support is invaluable, and your voice matters. Let's rally together and bring hope and stability back to the heart of Lahaina.

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To: Mayor Richard Bissen
From: [Your Name]

Aloha Mayor Bissen,

We write to you today with a sense of unity and shared purpose, representing the heartfelt appeal of the Lahaina community in a time of great need.

In the wake of the devastating August 8th Lahaina Fire, our resilient and tightly-knit community is facing unprecedented challenges. 'Ohana, neighbors, and friends have been displaced from their homes, left in the wake of tragedy to rebuild their lives. It is in this context that we present this urgent appeal.

The Lahaina community has come together, as one, to petition for a cause that holds the promise of renewal, recovery, and above all, hope. We stand united in recognizing an extraordinary opportunity: the conversion of short-term rentals into long-term housing for our displaced fire evacuees.

We understand that Lahaina has been home to over 2,000 vacation and short-term rental units, many of which currently operate without the required permits but have been legally allowed to function under the Minatoya list exemption. These properties represent an untapped resource for our community's recovery efforts.

Under HRS 127A-12(c), (4) and (6), your office holds the authority to declare an emergency, signifying the need to repurpose these units from short-term rentals to long-term housing for our displaced residents. We respectfully urge you to take swift and decisive action, enabling this conversion to take place for a minimum duration of one year.

This transformation does not constitute a "taking" of property; rather, it is a bold and legitimate response to a significant Maui County interest. It advances the welfare of our community, promotes the wellbeing of our fellow Lahaina residents, and respects the essence of Aloha upon which our beautiful island thrives.

Why This Matters: A Beacon of Hope

Housing for Our Displaced: The conversion of these short-term rentals into long-term homes serves as a beacon of hope for those who have lost their residences in the fire. It offers them a chance to rebuild their lives within the community they hold dear.

Lahaina Strong: Your support in this endeavor sends a resounding message to our community, assuring them that we stand strong, united, and resilient in the face of adversity. Together, we will rebuild Lahaina.

Emergency Housing: This transformation will eliminate the need for makeshift, temporary housing solutions such as shipping containers or boxable homes. Instead, it offers a more humane, community-centered solution that promotes healing and recovery.

Legitimate Authority: As Mayor, you possess the legal authority to make this transformation a reality, and by doing so, you act in the best interests of our community and uphold the spirit of Aloha that defines our island.

We, the Lahaina community, stand together, resolute in our commitment to rebuilding and healing as one. We implore you, Mayor Bissen, to embrace this unparalleled opportunity and guide us toward a brighter future.

The urgency of this moment cannot be overstated. It is with hope, unity, and a shared vision for a stronger Lahaina that we present this appeal. Your support is a vital step toward realizing the aspirations of our community.

We look forward to your positive response and the opportunity to work together in creating a better future for Lahaina—a future where our community remains Lahaina Strong.
