Stand with Our UVMMC Support Staff and Techs!
Dr. Stephen Leffler (COO) and UVMMC Administration

In January of 2023, over 2,000 support staff and 220 techs at UVM Medical Center voted overwhelmingly to form our union and negotiate with hospital management for a livable wage, safe staffing, dignity and respect.
Support staff are everywhere at the hospital: When a patient arrives, we check you in; we cook your meals, we clean your rooms and the common spaces; we answer your calls and provide your bedside care; we are on the teams that save lives. We work behind the scenes in a multitude of ways to ensure UVM Medical Center delivers our community the highest-quality care. Supporting our staff will make UVM Medical Center a better institution for employees, patients and our community.
In this contract we are prioritizing…
- Pay Equity, Increased Salaries and a Livable Wage for All
- Safe Staffing Initiatives to Attract and Retain Quality Staff
- Protect and Improve Worker Safety and Patient Care
- A Healthy Work Life Balance
We expect Management to continue to push back against our demands. Support Staff, who are the backbone of this hospital, have never been a priority for the organization. We know that the only way we will see real improvements is if we all are united and have the support of our community behind us. UVM Medical Center is our region’s only Level 1 trauma center and any one of us, our friends, or our families could be a patient at one of the hospital’s many facilities across the state. For this reason, we are seeking your support for a fair first contract, because when we have what we need to do our jobs we can provide the best patient care for everyone.
Sponsored by
Dr. Stephen Leffler (COO) and UVMMC Administration
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We, the undersigned community members, are standing in solidarity with Support Staff and Techs at the UVM Medical Center who are fighting for a livable wage and safe working conditions as they negotiate their first contract with the hospital administration at our region's Level 1 Trauma Center. Our community deserves healthcare facilities that are fully staffed with workers who are treated with dignity and respect so that they can provide high quality patient care for us all.