Dear SAN FRANCISCO: Mayors Office, Board Of Supervisors, Supervisor Joel Engardio, President Aaron Peskin, Jonathan Goldberg, Planning Department/HOME-SF: Rich Hillis, Christy Alexander & Kei Zushi

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Help Preserve the Nature & Character of San Francisco Neighborhoods

We are asking The City to stop this development and create a vision and plan for SF that enhances our neighborhoods, and not allow randomly placed towering complexes to dominate the future of The City.

2700 Sloat Blvd. Project is a poorly planned development that will and/or is:

  • Stress the already taxed Infrastructure. Current water and power lines are already old & dilapidated
  • Block natural light creating a huge imposing shadow, disrupting surrounding Eco-Systems, & impacting our open skyline, visible from miles away
  • Increase Environmental & Light pollution from the towering 446+ units, that will interfere with livelihood of ZOO animals as well as surrounding resident
  • Directly on/in a Tsunami Zone
  • In a Seismic Hazard - Liquefaction Zone
  • In the Coastal Zone
  • On the Maher & Cortese lists (CEQA). Former site of gas stations & auto repair shops.
  • In an Archeological Sensitive area. Within 1/2 mile was a recorded Native American Civilization
  • Create intense glare from sunlight reflection on hundreds of glass windows and walls, impacting skyline, views, and areas in all directions
  • Adversely alter or destroy the rare & healthy Soundscapes & Acoustic Environments
  • Increase traffic & create road safety risks for children and elderly. There are no plans for Muni to add more trains or buses to existing routes. With the closure of Great Highway, due to Prop K, traffic already has been vastly increased on the avenues/streets near the project
  • Adversely impact residential neighborhood parking, creating congestion on residential streets. Project only provides 52 designated & 3 car share parking spaces for 446 units NOT resident quantity
  • Allows Short Term Rentals (e.g. Airbnb, Corporate)
  • Adversely impact the local Eco-Systems which is home to protected species in the Coastal Zone
  • Increase unoccupied residential & commercial space resulting in derelict structures. EXAMPLE: Since 2018, The Westerly complex at 2800 Sloat has been 1/3-1/2 vacant & has NO retailers in the commercial space. The new building plans include commercial space that will be unoccupied too
  • New plans include a Roof Top POOL open to the elements (e.g. fog, cold, wind, sand, rain)
  • Have a negative psychological impact on the community
  • Put Sloat Garden Center staff out of work & potentially other local small businesses
  • Become a blight on the Neighborhood
  • Become Urban Renewal / Development 2.0 aka Geneva Towers. Unsuccessful: past & future
  • Condo Sales & the Population of San Francisco have declined
  • Lower & Devalue Property & Neighborhoods (e.g. existing SFR's) for all

As of January 2025, additional information on the project, owners & developers (e.g. 2700 Sloat Holding LLC & CH Planning):

  • Appears they have yet to sell the project to a new Owner. Deed still partially held by them
  • They filed an appeal to build the 50 Story project for which the BOA upheld the Zoning Administrators Determination that the project did not meet the codes & denied the appeal on 7/26/2023
  • They then filed two (2) lawsuits suing The City and County of San Francisco but after many months, they withdrew their lawsuits on 5/29/2024 & have not sold the property to a non-profit organization to build 100% Affordable Housing as claimed & quoted in the SF Chronicle 12/2024

GO to SON-SF ~ Save Our Neighborhoods - San Francisco Website for MORE INFORMATION on STOP 2700 SLOAT BLVD & how this will impact not just the greater Sunset area, Outside Parkside & Sunset, but ALL OUR NEIGHBORHOODS.

Petition by
SON-SF  Save Our Neighborhoods SF
San Francisco, California

To: Dear SAN FRANCISCO: Mayors Office, Board Of Supervisors, Supervisor Joel Engardio, President Aaron Peskin, Jonathan Goldberg, Planning Department/HOME-SF: Rich Hillis, Christy Alexander & Kei Zushi
From: [Your Name]


Help to Preserve the Nature & Character of San Francisco Neighborhoods

I vehemently OPPOSE to this high-density, high-rise project. It is NOT an appropriate project for our Neighborhood.

It will NOT serve the Community or Neighborhood.

2700 Sloat Blvd. Project is a poorly planned development that will:

* Stress the already taxed Infrastructure. Current water and power lines are already old & dilapidated
* Block natural light creating a huge imposing shadow, disrupting surrounding Eco-Systems, & impacting our open skyline, visible from miles away
* Increase Environmental & Light pollution from the towering 446+ units, that will interfere with livelihood of ZOO animals as well as surrounding resident
* Directly on/in a Tsunami Zone
* In a Seismic Hazard - Liquefaction Zone
* In the Coastal Zone
* On the Maher & Cortese lists (CEQA). Former site of gas stations & auto repair shops
* In an Archeological Sensitive area. Within 1/2 mile was a recorded Native American Civilization
* Create intense glare from sunlight reflection on hundreds of glass windows and walls, impacting skyline, views, and areas in all directions
* Adversely alter or destroy the rare & healthy Soundscapes & Acoustic Environments
* Increase traffic & create road safety risks for children and elderly. There are no plans for Muni to add more trains or buses to existing routes. With the closure of Great Highway, due to Prop K, traffic already has been vastly increased on the avenues/streets near the project
* Adversely impact residential neighborhood parking, creating congestion on residential streets. Project only provides 52 designated & 3 car share parking spaces for 446 units NOT resident quantity
* Allows Short Term Rentals (e.g. Airbnb, Corporate)
* Adversely impact the local Eco-Systems which is home to protected species in the Coastal Zone
* Increase unoccupied residential & commercial space resulting in derelict structures. EXAMPLE: Since 2018, The Westerly complex at 2800 Sloat has been 1/3-1/2 vacant & has NO retailers in the commercial space. The new building plans include commercial space that will be unoccupied too
* New plans include a Roof Top POOL open to the elements (e.g. fog, cold, wind, sand, rain)
* Have a negative psychological impact on the community
* Put Sloat Garden Center staff out of work & potentially other local small businesses
* Become a blight on the Neighborhood
* Become Urban Renewal / Development 2.0 aka Geneva Towers. Unsuccessful: past & future
* Condo Sales & the Population of San Francisco have declined
* Lower & Devalue Property & Neighborhoods (e.g. existing SFR's) for all


Concerned Residents, Neighbors, Supporters, San Franciscans & Californians,